Barbara Hutton


Is Barbara Hutton Dead or Still Alive? Barbara Hutton Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Hutton

Barbara Hutton Death

Barbara passed away on May 11, 1979 at the age of 66 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Barbara's cause of death was heart attack.

Barbara Hutton death quick facts:
  • When did Barbara Hutton die?

    May 11, 1979
  • How did Barbara Hutton die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Barbara Hutton when died?

  • Where did Barbara Hutton die? What was the location of death?

    Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California

Barbara Hutton Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Hutton was born on November 14, 1912 and died on May 11, 1979. Barbara was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 14, 1912
Date of Death: May 11, 1979
Age at Death: 66

Is Barbara Hutton's father, Franklyn Laws Hutton, dead or alive?

Franklyn Laws Hutton's information is not available now.

Is Barbara Hutton's mother, Edna Woolworth, dead or alive?

Edna Woolworth's information is not available now.

Barbara Hutton - Biography

Barbara Woolworth Hutton was an American debutante/socialite, heiress and philanthropist. She was dubbed the "Poor Little Rich Girl", first when she was given a lavish and expensive debutante ball in 1930, amid the Great Depression, and later due to a notoriously troubled private life.