How Old Is Bernard Arnault? Bernard Arnault Birthday
Bernard Arnault was born on March 5, 1949 and is 75 years old now.
Birthday: March 5, 1949
How Old - Age: 75
Bernard Arnault Death Fact Check
Bernard is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Bernard Arnault's father, Jean Leon Arnault, dead or alive?
Jean Leon Arnault's information is not available now.
Bernard Arnault's pet, dead or alive?
- Dog
Bernard Arnault - Biography
Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault (born 5 March 1949) is a French business magnate, investor. philanthropist and art collector. He is the chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LVMH since 1989. In March 2015, Forbes estimated his wealth to be $37 billion, making him the 13th richest person in the world and the richest in France.