Betty Balfour


Is Betty Balfour Dead or Still Alive? Betty Balfour Birthday and Date of Death

Betty Balfour

Betty Balfour Death

Betty passed away on November 4, 1977 at the age of 74 in Weybridge, England. Betty's cause of death was natural causes.

Betty Balfour death quick facts:
  • When did Betty Balfour die?

    November 4, 1977
  • How did Betty Balfour die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Betty Balfour when died?

  • Where did Betty Balfour die? What was the location of death?

    Weybridge, England

Betty Balfour Birthday and Date of Death

Betty Balfour was born on March 27, 1903 and died on November 4, 1977. Betty was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 27, 1903
Date of Death: November 4, 1977
Age at Death: 74

Betty Balfour - Biography

Betty Balfour (27 March 1903 – 4 November 1977) was an English screen actress, popular during the silent era, and known as the "British Mary Pickford" and "Britain's Queen of Happiness". She was best known to audiences for her Squibs series of films.