Blanche Barrow


Is Blanche Barrow Dead or Still Alive? Blanche Barrow Birthday and Date of Death

Blanche Barrow

Blanche Barrow Death

Blanche passed away on December 24, 1988 at the age of 77. Blanche's cause of death was cancer.

Blanche Barrow death quick facts:
  • When did Blanche Barrow die?

    December 24, 1988
  • How did Blanche Barrow die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Blanche Barrow when died?


Blanche Barrow Birthday and Date of Death

Blanche Barrow was born on January 1, 1911 and died on December 24, 1988. Blanche was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 1, 1911
Date of Death: December 24, 1988
Age at Death: 77

Is Blanche Barrow's father, Matthew Fontain Caldwell, dead or alive?

Matthew Fontain Caldwell's information is not available now.

Is Blanche Barrow's mother, Lillain Bell Pond, dead or alive?

Lillain Bell Pond's information is not available now.

Blanche Barrow - Biography

Blanche Barrow was a fringe member of the Bonnie and Clyde gang and the wife of Clyde Barrow's brother Buck. Brought up by her father, she had a poor relationship with her mother, who arranged for Blanche to be married to an older man. Blanche ran away and met Buck Barrow. He was a decade older, and a fugitive. With her encouragement, he surrendered. Two years later, he was not only released but granted a pardon that wiped out his conviction; if he had chosen to make the best of it, Buck had a splendid opportunity for a fresh start with the 22-year-old Blanche, who was considered strikingly attractive by his acquaintances. But, over her objections, Buck insisted on going with his brother.