Bobbie Jean Carter


Is Bobbie Jean Carter Dead or Still Alive? Bobbie Jean Carter Birthday and Age

Bobbie Jean Carter

How Old Is Bobbie Jean Carter? Bobbie Jean Carter Birthday

Bobbie Jean Carter was born on January 12, 1982 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: January 12, 1982
How Old - Age: 43

Bobbie Jean Carter Death Fact Check

Bobbie is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Bobbie Jean Carter - Biography

Bobbie Jean Carter was born January 12, 1982 in New York to Jane Elizabeth Carter & the late Robert Gene Carter, she is the sister of, Nick Carter, Aaron Carter, Leslie Carter, Angel Carter, Kaden Brent Carter, v*rginia Carter, Taelyn Dobson.
She also has an older half sister Ginger from her father's first marriage, a younger half brother Kaden and a younger stepsister Taelyn from her father's current marriage to Ginger Elrod.

Bobbie Jean Carter started her career from the TV show, ‘The Carters’, which is a documentary reality show based on the lives of her siblings and her superstar brother Nick Carter. The actress has also been involved in modeling and wants to continue doing so. She was previously voted as one of the top ten models in New York by a prominent fashion magazine.
Afterward, the model worked with many popular fashion brands including, Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Armani. The model has also walked for several prestigious fashion events in Europe and England. Later, she did many photo shoots for Swimwear and Bikini lines in South America. She has also used to work with wardrobe and makeup on Aaron’s tours.