Bobby Heenan


Is Bobby Heenan Dead or Still Alive? Bobby Heenan Birthday and Date of Death

Bobby Heenan

Bobby Heenan Death

Bobby passed away on September 17, 2017 at the age of 72 in Largo, Florida, USA. Bobby's cause of death was organ failure due to complications from the throat cancer.

Bobby Heenan death quick facts:
  • When did Bobby Heenan die?

    September 17, 2017
  • How did Bobby Heenan die? What was the cause of death?

    Organ failure due to complications from the throat cancer
  • How old was Bobby Heenan when died?

  • Where did Bobby Heenan die? What was the location of death?

    Largo, Florida, USA

Bobby Heenan Birthday and Date of Death

Bobby Heenan was born on November 6, 1944 and died on September 17, 2017. Bobby was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 6, 1944
Date of Death: September 17, 2017
Age at Death: 72

Bobby Heenan - Biography

Raymond Louis Heenan (November 1, 1944 – September 17, 2017), better known as Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, was an American professional wrestling manager, wrestler, and color commentator, best known for his time with the American Wrestling Association (AWA), the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and World Championship Wrestling (WCW). He was known for his skill in drawing heel heat for himself and his wrestlers, and for his on-screen repartee with Gorilla Monsoon as a color commentator. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004, by Blackjack Lanza. Wrestling journalists Dave Meltzer and Wade Keller noted that Heenan is generally considered to be the greatest pro wrestling manager of all time.