Buddy Ebsen


Is Buddy Ebsen Dead or Still Alive? Buddy Ebsen Birthday and Date of Death

Buddy Ebsen

Buddy Ebsen Death

Buddy passed away on July 6, 2003 at the age of 95 in Torrance, California. Buddy's cause of death was pneumonia.

Buddy Ebsen death quick facts:
  • When did Buddy Ebsen die?

    July 6, 2003
  • How did Buddy Ebsen die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Buddy Ebsen when died?

  • Where did Buddy Ebsen die? What was the location of death?

    Torrance, California

Buddy Ebsen Birthday and Date of Death

Buddy Ebsen was born on April 2, 1908 and died on July 6, 2003. Buddy was 95 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 2, 1908
Date of Death: July 6, 2003
Age at Death: 95

Is Buddy Ebsen's father, Christian Ludolf Ebsen, dead or alive?

Christian Ludolf Ebsen's information is not available now.

Is Buddy Ebsen's mother, Frances Wendt Ebsen, dead or alive?

Frances Wendt Ebsen's information is not available now.

Buddy Ebsen - Biography

Christian Ludolf Ebsen, Jr., known as Buddy Ebsen, was an American character actor and dancer. A performer for seven decades, he had starring roles as Jed Clampett in the long-running CBS television series The Beverly Hillbillies and as the title character in the 1970s detective series Barnaby Jones. Ebsen also played Fess Parker's sidekick in Walt Disney's Davy Crockett miniseries. Cast as the Tin Man in 1939's The Wizard of Oz, Ebsen fell ill from aluminum toxicity from the makeup and was forced to drop out of the film. Ebsen had a cameo role in the 1993 film version of The Beverly Hillbillies, not as Jed Clampett, but as his other famous character Barnaby Jones.