Charles Brown


Is Charles Brown Dead or Still Alive? Charles Brown Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Brown

Charles Brown Death

Charles passed away on January 8, 2004 at the age of 57.

Charles Brown death quick facts:
  • When did Charles Brown die?

    January 8, 2004
  • How old was Charles Brown when died?


Charles Brown Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Brown was born on January 15, 1946 and died on January 8, 2004. Charles was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 15, 1946
Date of Death: January 8, 2004
Age at Death: 57

Charles Brown - Biography

Charles Brown (January 15, 1946, Talladega, Alabama – January 8, 2004, Cleveland, Ohio) was a Tony Award-nominated actor and a member of New York City, New York theater troupe the Negro Ensemble Company. He was best known for his performances in Off-Broadway and Broadway plays by Samm-Art Williams and August Wilson.