Charles Herbert


Is Charles Herbert Dead or Still Alive? Charles Herbert Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Herbert

Charles Herbert Death

Charles passed away on October 31, 2015 at the age of 66 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Charles's cause of death was heart attack.

Charles Herbert death quick facts:
  • When did Charles Herbert die?

    October 31, 2015
  • How did Charles Herbert die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Charles Herbert when died?

  • Where did Charles Herbert die? What was the location of death?

    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Charles Herbert Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Herbert was born on December 23, 1948 and died on October 31, 2015. Charles was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 23, 1948
Date of Death: October 31, 2015
Age at Death: 66

Charles Herbert - Biography

Charles Herbert Saperstein (born December 23, 1948) is an American former child actor of the 1950s and 1960s. Before reaching his teens, Herbert was renowned by a generation of moviegoers for an on-screen broody, mature style and wit that enabled him to go one-on-one with some of the biggest names in the industry, and his appearances in a handful of films in the sci-fi/horror genre have garnered him an immortality there. In six years he appeared in 20 Hollywood features.
Herbert's final feature film and starring role was in The Boy and the Pirates (1960), produced and directed by Bert I. Gordon (Mr. B.I.G.), the master of giant monster films, costarring his daughter Susan. Herbert and Susan Gordon had previously worked together in The Man in the Net (1959), the hospital scene in The Five Pennies (1959), and a TV pilot episode entitled The Secret Life of John Monroe (aka The Secret Life of James Thurber). The 30-minute unsold pilot aired as the "Christabel" episode of Alcoa/Goodyear Playhouse, June 8, 1959. Very rarely seen, The Boy and the Pirates was released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment as a Midnite Movies double DVD set with the more recent Crystalstone (1987), on June 27, 2006.

Herbert's career amassed 20 feature films, more than 50 TV shows, and a number of commercials during his youthful 14-year span.
With no family of his own, it took Herbert nearly 40 years to turn his life around. Clean and sober since August 2004, his films—now reaching new generations of fans via DVD and cable TV—and his appearances at science fiction film festivals and conventions sustained him.