Charles XIII of Sweden


Is Charles XIII of Sweden Dead or Still Alive? Charles XIII of Sweden Birthday and Date of Death

Charles XIII of Sweden

Charles XIII of Sweden Death

Charles passed away on February 5, 1818 at the age of 69.

Charles XIII of Sweden death quick facts:
  • When did Charles XIII of Sweden die?

    February 5, 1818
  • How old was Charles XIII of Sweden when died?


Charles XIII of Sweden Birthday and Date of Death

Charles XIII of Sweden was born on October 7, 1748 and died on February 5, 1818. Charles was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 7, 1748
Date of Death: February 5, 1818
Age at Death: 69

Is Charles XIII of Sweden's father, Adolf Frederick of Sweden, dead or alive?

Adolf Frederick of Sweden's information is not available now.

Is Charles XIII of Sweden's mother, Louisa Ulrika of Prussia, dead or alive?

Louisa Ulrika of Prussia's information is not available now.

Charles XIII of Sweden - Biography

Charles XIII & II also Carl, Swedish: Karl XIII, was King of Sweden from 1809 and King of Norway (as Charles II) from 1814 until his death. He was the second son of King Adolf Frederick of Sweden and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia, sister of Frederick II of Prussia.