Claude Mulot


Is Claude Mulot Dead or Still Alive? Claude Mulot Birthday and Date of Death

Claude Mulot

Claude Mulot Death

Claude passed away on October 13, 1986 at the age of 44 in Saint-Tropez, France.

Claude Mulot death quick facts:
  • When did Claude Mulot die?

    October 13, 1986
  • How old was Claude Mulot when died?

  • Where did Claude Mulot die? What was the location of death?

    Saint-Tropez, France

Claude Mulot Birthday and Date of Death

Claude Mulot was born on August 21, 1942 and died on October 13, 1986. Claude was 44 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 21, 1942
Date of Death: October 13, 1986
Age at Death: 44

Claude Mulot - Biography

Claude Mulot (1942–1986) was a French screenwriter and film director who mainly specialized in adult films but also made various attempts in other genres like horror films (The Blood Rose), comedies (Le jour se lève et les conneries commencent) or thrillers (Le Couteau sous la gorge). He accidentally drowned at the early age of 44 while his screenplay On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez was being shot by Max Pécas in Saint-Tropez in 1986.