Craig Ross


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Craig Ross

Craig Ross Death Fact Check

Craig is alive and kicking.
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Craig Ross - Biography

Putting ideas in to motion is something Craig Ross knows how to do well. He has, after all, built a successful career as an animator - a highly acclaimed one too - in the world of advertising and film.Now, as Coordinator of Higher Education for Chisholm’s Bachelor of Interactive Media Design (BIMD), Craig is firmly focused on establishing the degree as the premier course for aspiring designers.“The Bachelor of Interactive Media Design is a new, different kind of approach to gaining all round design skills, delivered in an excellent new facility, and that’s exciting,” says Craig.“When Chisholm was developing the degree they had representatives from each of the design industries: graphic design, film and television, gaming and animation. I represented animation.“It quickly became apparent to me that Chisholm’s BIMD course could be something special."“That’s because, from my experience, many of the degrees on offer concentrate more on technical programs and less on the creative design process. As a result, graduates of those programs don’t have the ability to problem solve, to come up with original creative ideas. When it comes to contributing to a discussion about the selling of a product, they struggle; they don’t have the confidence to present their ideas in front of a client. “Chisholm’s degree focuses on technical and creative skills. Our students learn how to use the software and also to understand the creative process and become design thinkers who can problem solve.”Challenges are what make Craig tick.Getting into the world of animation was his first challenge.“I was introduced to animation when I did a teaching degree and, at that time, didn’t realise my career would take that direction. After four years teaching at secondary level, I returned to university to study animation and interactive media because that’s what I wanted to pursue. “At my graduation exhibition I won an award for best animated film and got a job on the same night which was thrilling.”Craig started as an animator and then became a director at Animagrafx, one of Australia’s most respected animation companies. Over a period of about 12 years he worked mainly on television commercials (TVCs) as a 2D and stop motion/claymation animator. He also worked as a director of 3D and live action commercials. Clients included big brands CUB, Telstra, Cadbury Schweppes, NAB, Vodaphone, Hertz, Crown Casino, NRMA, Panadol and more. Several of his TVCs won national and international awards, including best animated commercial at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. Craig also worked as a freelance animator/director and was one of six stop motion (puppet) animators on a feature film directed by Academy Award recipient Adam Elliot. The film, “Mary and Max”, was the first stop motion feature film made in Australia. It screened in Australia and internationally and also opened the Sundance Film Festival where it received rave reviews.Heading up the BIMD course at Chisholm is Craig’s latest challenge. He hopes students will find inspiration in learning from his vast experience - the fact that’s he’s been a key player in the advertising, animation and film industries. “I’m enthusiastic about what we’re doing here. We have a great program delivered by industry based teachers. As well as that, our good relationships with industry enable us to bring in specialist people to talk with the students. “We also go out to visit industry clients as well. The clients are part of the assessment moderation process. Our students feel connected with industry, not just the teachers.”“We have an extremely nurturing environment at Chisholm @ 311 (the new, impressive facility where BIMD operates from). Students are supported in a much more personal way. They feel comfortable and build confidence more easily. That’s the beauty of Chisholm!”