Damon Edge


Is Damon Edge Dead or Still Alive? Damon Edge Birthday and Date of Death

Damon Edge

Damon Edge Death

Damon passed away on August 11, 1995 at the age of 45 in Redondo Beach apartment in California.

Damon Edge death quick facts:
  • When did Damon Edge die?

    August 11, 1995
  • How old was Damon Edge when died?

  • Where did Damon Edge die? What was the location of death?

    Redondo Beach apartment in California

Damon Edge Birthday and Date of Death

Damon Edge was born on November 12, 1949 and died on August 11, 1995. Damon was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 12, 1949
Date of Death: August 11, 1995
Age at Death: 45

Damon Edge - Biography

Damon Edge is the stage name of American musician Thomas Wisse. He was a founding member of the band Chrome, and he also recorded as a solo artist.