Dan Howell


Is Dan Howell Dead or Still Alive? Dan Howell Birthday and Age

Dan Howell

How Old Is Dan Howell? Dan Howell Birthday

Dan Howell was born on May 27, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: May 27, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Dan Howell Death Fact Check

Dan is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Dan Howell's mother, Karen, dead or alive?

Dan Howell's mother, Karen, is still alive and kicking at the age of 75.

Dan Howell's brother :

  • Dan Howell's brother, Adrian, died on January 11, 2002 as he was 51 years old. His cause of death was ovarian cancer.

Dan Howell's pet, dead or alive?

  • None

Dan Howell - Biography

Dan Howell is an American soccer player who currently plays for Íþróttafélagið Grótta in the 1. deild karla which is the second division in the Icelandic football league system