Danny Koker


Is Danny Koker Dead or Still Alive? Danny Koker Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Koker

Danny Koker Death

Danny passed away on February 17, 2008 at the age of 74.

Danny Koker death quick facts:
  • When did Danny Koker die?

    February 17, 2008
  • How old was Danny Koker when died?


Danny Koker Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Koker was born on December 17, 1933 and died on February 17, 2008. Danny was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 17, 1933
Date of Death: February 17, 2008
Age at Death: 74

Danny Koker - Biography

Danny Koker the baritone vocalist and the pianist with the Cathedral Quartet from 1963 through 1969. He was also pianist and vocalist for the Weatherfords and the Foggy River Boys. Koker also owned a television station in Las Vegas.