David Azrieli Death
David passed away on July 9, 2014 at the age of 92 in Montreal, Canada.
David Azrieli death quick facts:
When did David Azrieli die?
July 9, 2014How old was David Azrieli when died?
92Where did David Azrieli die? What was the location of death?
Montreal, Canada
David Azrieli Birthday and Date of Death
David Azrieli was born on May 10, 1922 and died on July 9, 2014. David was 92 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 10, 1922
Date of Death: July 9, 2014
Age at Death: 92
David Azrieli - Biography
David Joshua Azrieli, CM CQ (Hebrew: דוד יהושע עזריאלי; May 10, 1922 – July 9, 2014) was a Canadian-Israeli real estate tycoon, developer, designer, architect, and philanthropist. With an estimated net worth of $US 3.1 billion (as of March 2013), Azrieli was ranked by Forbes as the 9th wealthiest Canadian and 401st in the world.