DJ Arafat


Is DJ Arafat Dead or Still Alive? DJ Arafat Birthday and Date of Death

DJ Arafat

DJ Arafat Death

DJ passed away on August 12, 2019 at the age of 33 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. DJ's cause of death was motorcycle accident.

DJ Arafat death quick facts:
  • When did DJ Arafat die?

    August 12, 2019
  • How did DJ Arafat die? What was the cause of death?

    Motorcycle accident
  • How old was DJ Arafat when died?

  • Where did DJ Arafat die? What was the location of death?

    Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

DJ Arafat Birthday and Date of Death

DJ Arafat was born on October 14, 1985 and died on August 12, 2019. DJ was 33 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 14, 1985
Date of Death: August 12, 2019
Age at Death: 33

DJ Arafat - Biography

Ange Didier Houon was born on October 14, 1985 in Ivory Coast. He is the son of Tina Glamor, Ivorian artist known for a daring and provocative style. DJ Arafat calls himself a tribute to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. He made his debut in the famous maquis of Treichville, a hot district of Abidjan.
The title "Jonathan" in 2003 brings to DJ Arafat a first recognition in the cut-shifted movement. He then went to France twice for shows, and decided in 2005 to remain in France despite the expiry of his visa. DJ Arafat is finally arrested and placed in a detention center before being sent back to Ivory Coast.

DJ Arafat then partners with Debordeaux Leekunfa says Debordo DJ, with whom he creates the kpangor style. This derivative of coupé-décalé meets a wide success, especially in French-speaking Africa. DJ Arafat also specializes in Ivorian freestyles, called attalakus. This period ends in September 2009, DJ Arafat then decided to resume his destiny solo.
Influenced by crunk and Lil Wayne in particular, DJ Arafat is changing his style. Funny nicknames and other allies, DJ Arafat is also called Yoroboh 5500 voltes and Apache 8500 volts. These nicknames broncardent the problems of distribution of electricity, endemic in Ivory Coast. Still little known in Europe, DJ Arafat presents his new style with Gladiator released in 2010.