Edith Hirsch


Is Edith Hirsch Dead or Still Alive? Edith Hirsch Birthday and Date of Death

Edith Hirsch

Edith Hirsch Death

Edith passed away on March 23, 1985 at the age of 67 in Del Mar San Diego County California, USA. Edith's cause of death was cancer.

Edith Hirsch death quick facts:
  • When did Edith Hirsch die?

    March 23, 1985
  • How did Edith Hirsch die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Edith Hirsch when died?

  • Where did Edith Hirsch die? What was the location of death?

    Del Mar San Diego County California, USA

Edith Hirsch Birthday and Date of Death

Edith Hirsch was born on April 15, 1917 and died on March 23, 1985. Edith was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 15, 1917
Date of Death: March 23, 1985
Age at Death: 67

Edith Hirsch - Biography

Edith Hirsch was born on April 15, 1917 as Edith Mack Hirsch. She is the former wife of Desi Arnaz. They got in 1963 until Edie's death in 1985.
Desi Arnaz was a Cuban-born American actor, musician, and television producer. He is best remembered for his role as Ricky Ricardo on the American television series sitcom I Love Lucy.

Arnaz married his second wife, Edith Eyre Hirsch (née McSkimming), on March 2, 1963, and greatly reduced his show business activities. He served as executive producer of The Mothers-in-Law, and during its two-year run, made four guest appearances as a Spanish matador, Señor Delgado. Edith died in 1985, aged 67, from cancer.