Elizabeth Swados


Is Elizabeth Swados Dead or Still Alive? Elizabeth Swados Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Swados

Elizabeth Swados Death

Elizabeth passed away on January 5, 2016 at the age of 64.

Elizabeth Swados death quick facts:
  • When did Elizabeth Swados die?

    January 5, 2016
  • How old was Elizabeth Swados when died?


Elizabeth Swados Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Swados was born on February 5, 1951 and died on January 5, 2016. Elizabeth was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 5, 1951
Date of Death: January 5, 2016
Age at Death: 64

Elizabeth Swados - Biography

Elizabeth Swados (born February 5, 1951) is an American writer, composer, musician, and theatre director. While some of her subject matter is humorous, such as her satirical look at Ronald Reagan (Rap Master Ronnie) and Doonesbury — both collaborations with Garry Trudeau — much of her work deals with dark issues such as racism, murder, and mental illness.