Ellen Albertini Dow


Is Ellen Albertini Dow Dead or Still Alive? Ellen Albertini Dow Birthday and Date of Death

Ellen Albertini Dow

Ellen Albertini Dow Death

Ellen passed away on May 4, 2015 at the age of 96 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Ellen's cause of death was pneumonia.

Ellen Albertini Dow death quick facts:
  • When did Ellen Albertini Dow die?

    May 4, 2015
  • How did Ellen Albertini Dow die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Ellen Albertini Dow when died?

  • Where did Ellen Albertini Dow die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, CA, USA

Ellen Albertini Dow Birthday and Date of Death

Ellen Albertini Dow was born on November 16, 1918 and died on May 4, 2015. Ellen was 96 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 16, 1918
Date of Death: May 4, 2015
Age at Death: 96

Ellen Albertini Dow - Biography

Ellen Rose Albertini Dow (November 16, 1913 – May 4, 2015) was an American character actress. She portrayed feisty old ladies and may be best known as the rapping grandmother in The Wedding Singer (1998). Dow's other film roles include the elderly lady who "outs" her grandson in Wedding Crashers, Disco Dottie in 54, the recipient of Christopher Lloyd's character's slapstick in Radioland Murders and a choir member in Sister Act.