Emma Väänänen


Is Emma Väänänen Dead or Still Alive? Emma Väänänen Birthday and Date of Death

Emma Väänänen

Emma Väänänen Death

Emma passed away on February 20, 1970 at the age of 62 in Helsinki, Finland.

Emma Väänänen death quick facts:
  • When did Emma Väänänen die?

    February 20, 1970
  • How old was Emma Väänänen when died?

  • Where did Emma Väänänen die? What was the location of death?

    Helsinki, Finland

Emma Väänänen Birthday and Date of Death

Emma Väänänen was born on December 22, 1907 and died on February 20, 1970. Emma was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 22, 1907
Date of Death: February 20, 1970
Age at Death: 62

Emma Väänänen - Biography

Emma Väänänen (22 December 1907 – 20 February 1970) was a Finnish film actress. She appeared in 49 films between 1941 and 1969. She was a member of the jury at the 1st Moscow International Film Festival in 1959.