Eugene Ormandy


Is Eugene Ormandy Dead or Still Alive? Eugene Ormandy Birthday and Date of Death

Eugene Ormandy

Eugene Ormandy Death

Eugene passed away on March 12, 1985 at the age of 85 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

Eugene Ormandy death quick facts:
  • When did Eugene Ormandy die?

    March 12, 1985
  • How old was Eugene Ormandy when died?

  • Where did Eugene Ormandy die? What was the location of death?

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Eugene Ormandy Birthday and Date of Death

Eugene Ormandy was born on November 18, 1899 and died on March 12, 1985. Eugene was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 18, 1899
Date of Death: March 12, 1985
Age at Death: 85

Eugene Ormandy - Biography

Eugene Ormandy (November 18, 1899 – March 12, 1985) was a Hungarian-born conductor and violinist who became internationally famous as the music director and conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. The maestro's 44-year-long association with the Philadelphia is one of the longest enjoyed by any conductor with a single orchestra. Under his baton, the Philadelphia had three gold records and won two Grammy Awards.