Evelyn Waugh


Is Evelyn Waugh Dead or Still Alive? Evelyn Waugh Birthday and Date of Death

Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh Death

Evelyn passed away on April 10, 1966 at the age of 62 in Combe Florey, Somerset, England. Evelyn's cause of death was heart failure.

Evelyn Waugh death quick facts:
  • When did Evelyn Waugh die?

    April 10, 1966
  • How did Evelyn Waugh die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure
  • How old was Evelyn Waugh when died?

  • Where did Evelyn Waugh die? What was the location of death?

    Combe Florey, Somerset, England

Evelyn Waugh Birthday and Date of Death

Evelyn Waugh was born on October 28, 1903 and died on April 10, 1966. Evelyn was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 28, 1903
Date of Death: April 10, 1966
Age at Death: 62

Is Evelyn Waugh's father, Arthur Waugh, dead or alive?

Arthur Waugh's information is not available now.

Is Evelyn Waugh's mother, Catherine Charlotte Raban, dead or alive?

Catherine Charlotte Raban's information is not available now.

Evelyn Waugh - Biography

Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh, known by his pen name Evelyn Waugh, was an English writer of novels, biographies and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall and A Handful of Dust (1934), the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945) and the Second World War trilogy Sword of Honour (1952-61). As a writer, Evelyn Waugh is recognised as one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th century.