Günes Sensoy


Is Günes Sensoy Dead or Still Alive? Günes Sensoy Birthday and Age

Günes Sensoy

How Old Is Günes Sensoy? Günes Sensoy Birthday

Günes Sensoy was born on November 22, 2001 and is 23 years old now.

Birthday: November 22, 2001
How Old - Age: 23

Günes Sensoy Death Fact Check

Günes is alive and kicking and is currently 23 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Günes Sensoy - Biography

Günes Sensoy is a Turkish actress who was born on November 22, 2001. She is known for Mustang (2015), Speechless (2019) and Muhtesem Yüzyil: Kösem (2015).
Mustang is a 2015 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Turkish-French film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven in her feature debut. The film is set in a remote Turkish village and depicts the lives of five young orphaned sisters and challenges they face growing up as girls in a conservative society. The event that triggers the family backlash against the five sisters at the beginning of the film is based on Ergüven's personal life.