George Adamson


Is George Adamson Dead or Still Alive? George Adamson Birthday and Date of Death

George Adamson

George Adamson Death

George passed away on August 20, 1989 at the age of 83 in Kora National Park, Coast Province, Kenya, Africa. George's cause of death was murdered by somali bandits.

George Adamson death quick facts:
  • When did George Adamson die?

    August 20, 1989
  • How did George Adamson die? What was the cause of death?

    Murdered by somali bandits
  • How old was George Adamson when died?

  • Where did George Adamson die? What was the location of death?

    Kora National Park, Coast Province, Kenya, Africa

George Adamson Birthday and Date of Death

George Adamson was born on February 3, 1906 and died on August 20, 1989. George was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 3, 1906
Date of Death: August 20, 1989
Age at Death: 83

George Adamson - Biography

George Adamson MBE (3 February 1906 – 20 August 1989), also known as the Baba ya Simba ("Father of Lions" in Swahili), was a British wildlife conservationist and author. He and his wife, Joy Adamson, are best known through the movie Born Free and best-selling book with the same title, which is based on the true story of Elsa the Lioness, an orphaned lioness cub they had raised and later released into the wild. Several other films have been made based on Adamson's life.