Gino Bartali


Is Gino Bartali Dead or Still Alive? Gino Bartali Birthday and Date of Death

Gino Bartali

Gino Bartali Death

Gino passed away on May 5, 2000 at the age of 85 in Florence, Italy.

Gino Bartali death quick facts:
  • When did Gino Bartali die?

    May 5, 2000
  • How old was Gino Bartali when died?

  • Where did Gino Bartali die? What was the location of death?

    Florence, Italy

Gino Bartali Birthday and Date of Death

Gino Bartali was born on July 18, 1914 and died on May 5, 2000. Gino was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 18, 1914
Date of Death: May 5, 2000
Age at Death: 85

Gino Bartali - Biography

Gino Bartali, Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI (18 July 1914 – 5 May 2000), nicknamed Gino the Pious and (in Italy) Ginettaccio, was a champion road cyclist. He was the most renowned Italian cyclist before the Second World War, having won the Giro d'Italia three times (1936, 1937, 1946) and the Tour de France twice, in 1938 and 1948. His second and last Tour de France victory in 1948 gave him the largest gap between victories in the race.