Gwen Araujo Death
Gwen passed away on October 3, 2002 at the age of 17.
When did Gwen Araujo die?
October 3, 2002How old was Gwen Araujo when died?
Gwen Araujo Birthday and Date of Death
Gwen Araujo was born on February 24, 1985 and died on October 3, 2002. Gwen was 17 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: February 24, 1985
Date of Death: October 3, 2002
Age at Death: 17
Gwen Araujo - Biography
Gwen Amber Rose Araujo (February 24, 1985 – October 4, 2002) was an American teenager, whose legal name while living was Edward Araujo, Jr., who was murdered in Newark, California. She was killed by four men, two of whom she had been sexually intimate with, who beat and strangled her after discovering that although she identified as female, she was anatomically male. Two of the defendants were convicted of second-degree murder, but not convicted on the requested hate crime enhancements. The other two defendants pleaded guilty or no contest to voluntary manslaughter. In at least one of the trials, a "trans panic defense"—an extension of the gay panic defense—was employed.