Hank Green


Is Hank Green Dead or Still Alive? Hank Green Birthday and Age

Hank Green

How Old Is Hank Green? Hank Green Birthday

Hank Green was born on May 5, 1980 and is 44 years old now.

Birthday: May 5, 1980
How Old - Age: 44

Hank Green Death Fact Check

William is alive and kicking and is currently 44 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Hank Green's brother :

  • Hank Green's brother, John Green, is still alive and kicking at the age of 47. He is American and has had a career as a writer, educator.

Hank Green - Biography

William Henry "Hank" Green (born May 5, 1980) is an American entrepreneur, musician, and vlogger, known for his YouTube channel VlogBrothers, where he and his brother, John Green, regularly upload videos. He is also the creator of the online environmental technology blog EcoGeek, and the founder of Subbable which was acquired in 2014 by Patreon. Hank and his brother John created VidCon, the world's largest online video conference/convention. He is involved with several other channels on YouTube, including Crash Course, SciShow, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, The Brain Scoop, Animal Wonders, SciShow Space, hankschannel, GamesWithHank, Cereal Time, How to Adult, Healthcare Triage, and Sexplanations.