Inés Rodena


Is Inés Rodena Dead or Still Alive? Inés Rodena Birthday and Date of Death

Inés Rodena

Inés Rodena Death

Inés Rodena passed away on April 15, 1985 at the age of 79.

Inés Rodena death quick facts:
  • When did Inés Rodena die?

    April 15, 1985
  • How old was Inés Rodena when died?


Inés Rodena Birthday and Date of Death

Inés Rodena was born on April 20, 1905 and died on April 15, 1985. Inés Rodena was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 20, 1905
Date of Death: April 15, 1985
Age at Death: 79

Inés Rodena - Biography

Inés Rodena (April 20, 1905 in Havana, Cuba – April 15, 1985 in Miami, USA) was a Cuban radio and television writer.Career Before becoming a writer Rodena worked as a nurse. Through her experiences with her patients and stories recounted by people with whom she came in contact, her passion for writing was born.In the 50s she wrote her first novel, La Gata (The Cat) for radio, which was a great success. In 1968 she brought La Gata to television with great success under the production of the Venezuelan state television channel.In 1969 she went to work at Radio Caracas Television. In 1970 she recorded La Usurpadora (The Usurper). Agnes' novels all met with great success, being recorded in Mexico, Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Rachel, Rina, Viviana, Los ricos también lloran (The Rich Also Cry) and Rosa salvaje (Wild Rose) are some of her greatest hits.She died on April 15, 1985 at 79 years of age.