Jacqueline Gadsdon


Is Jacqueline Gadsdon Dead or Still Alive? Jacqueline Gadsdon Birthday and Date of Death

Jacqueline Gadsdon

Jacqueline Gadsdon Death

Jacqueline passed away on August 10, 1986 at the age of 86 in San Marcos, California, USA.

Jacqueline Gadsdon death quick facts:
  • When did Jacqueline Gadsdon die?

    August 10, 1986
  • How old was Jacqueline Gadsdon when died?

  • Where did Jacqueline Gadsdon die? What was the location of death?

    San Marcos, California, USA

Jacqueline Gadsdon Birthday and Date of Death

Jacqueline Gadsdon was born on August 3, 1900 and died on August 10, 1986. Jacqueline was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 3, 1900
Date of Death: August 10, 1986
Age at Death: 86

Jacqueline Gadsdon - Biography

Jacqueline Gadsden (August 3, 1900 – August 10, 1986) was an American film actress during the silent era. Born in Lompoc, California to Gerald F and Jessie H (Salter) Gadsden, she is probably best known to modern audiences at the wealthy, haughty other woman in the Clara Bow vehicle It (1927). She married William Harry Dale (1900 - 1975) about 1924. She made two films in 1929 under the name Jane Daly, and retired shortly after that. She died in San Marcos, California.