Jameson Clark Death
Jameson passed away on January 4, 1984 at the age of 77 in Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.
Jameson Clark death quick facts:
When did Jameson Clark die?
January 4, 1984How old was Jameson Clark when died?
77Where did Jameson Clark die? What was the location of death?
Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Jameson Clark Birthday and Date of Death
Jameson Clark was born in 1907 and died on January 4, 1984. Jameson was 77 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1907
Date of Death: January 4, 1984
Age at Death: 77
Jameson Clark - Biography
Jameson Clark (1907, Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland – 4 January 1984, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland) was a Scottish character actor who appeared in 22 films and made many appearances on television.