Jane Fauntz Death
Jane passed away on May 30, 1989 at the age of 78.
Jane Fauntz death quick facts:
When did Jane Fauntz die?
May 30, 1989How old was Jane Fauntz when died?
Jane Fauntz Birthday and Date of Death
Jane Fauntz was born on December 19, 1910 and died on May 30, 1989. Jane was 78 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 19, 1910
Date of Death: May 30, 1989
Age at Death: 78
Jane Fauntz - Biography
Jane Fauntz (December 19, 1910 – May 30, 1989), also known by her married name Jane Manske, was a national champion swimmer and diver, and a member of the United States Olympic teams in 1928 (swimming) and 1932 (springboard diving). She was the bronze medalist for springboard diving at the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.