Jaromil Jires Death
Jaromil passed away on October 26, 2001 at the age of 65 in Prague, Czech Republic. Jaromil's cause of death was following injuries from road accident in 1999.
Jaromil Jires death quick facts:
When did Jaromil Jires die?
October 26, 2001How did Jaromil Jires die? What was the cause of death?
Following injuries from road accident in 1999How old was Jaromil Jires when died?
65Where did Jaromil Jires die? What was the location of death?
Prague, Czech Republic
Jaromil Jires Birthday and Date of Death
Jaromil Jires was born on December 10, 1935 and died on October 26, 2001. Jaromil was 65 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 10, 1935
Date of Death: October 26, 2001
Age at Death: 65
Jaromil Jires - Biography
Jaromil Jireš (10 December 1935 – 24 October 2001) was a director associated with the Czechoslovak New Wave movement.