John Fashanu


Is John Fashanu Dead or Still Alive? John Fashanu Birthday and Age

John Fashanu

How Old Is John Fashanu? John Fashanu Birthday

John Fashanu was born on September 18, 1962 and is 62 years old now.

Birthday: September 18, 1962
How Old - Age: 62

John Fashanu Death Fact Check

John is alive and kicking and is currently 62 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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John Fashanu - Biography

John Fashanu (/ˈfæʃənuː/, born 18 September 1962), often referred to as Fash, is an English television presenter and former professional footballer of Nigerian (paternal) and Guyanese (maternal) descent. In his former career, he was a centre-forward from 1978 until 1995, most notably in an eight-year spell at Wimbledon F.C. in which he won the FA Cup in 1988 and scored over 100 goals in all competitions.