John Lodge


Is John Lodge Dead or Still Alive? John Lodge Birthday and Date of Death

John Lodge

John Lodge Death

John passed away on October 29, 1985 at the age of 82 in New York City, New York, USA. John's cause of death was heart attack.

John Lodge death quick facts:
  • When did John Lodge die?

    October 29, 1985
  • How did John Lodge die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was John Lodge when died?

  • Where did John Lodge die? What was the location of death?

    New York City, New York, USA

John Lodge Birthday and Date of Death

John Lodge was born on October 20, 1903 and died on October 29, 1985. John was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 20, 1903
Date of Death: October 29, 1985
Age at Death: 82

Is John Lodge's father, George Lodge, dead or alive?

George Lodge's information is not available now.

Is John Lodge's mother, Matilda Frelinghuysen Davis, dead or alive?

Matilda Frelinghuysen Davis's information is not available now.

John Lodge - Biography

John Davis Lodge, was an American actor turned politician. He was the 79th Governor of Connecticut from 1951 to 1955, and U.S. Ambassador to Spain, Argentina, and Switzerland. As an actor, he was often credited simply as John Lodge.