Jordan Maxwell Death
Jordan passed away on March 23, 2022 at the age of 81.
When did Jordan Maxwell die?
March 23, 2022How old was Jordan Maxwell when died?
Jordan Maxwell Birthday and Date of Death
Jordan Maxwell was born on December 28, 1940 and died on March 23, 2022. Jordan was 81 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 28, 1940
Date of Death: March 23, 2022
Age at Death: 81
Jordan Maxwell - Biography
Jordan Maxwell, pseudonym of Russell Pine ( December 28, 1940 ), is an American writer/researcher who engages in theology, secret societies, etymology, and occultism. Maxwell is seen as a big name in the world of 'conspiracy theorists' and served as an example for various authors and researchers in the field, including Michael Tsarion and David Icke.
Maxwell was editor at Truth Seeker Magazine for three years, made documentaries for CBS TV Network and presented his own radio show under the ABC banner. One of Maxwell's hobbies, besides symbolism and word interpretation, is the so-called 'astro-theology' (not invented by him); a theory that states that religions are based on astronomical events.
Thus the story of Jesus (birth, crucifixion, resurrection, 12 apostles), like many other beliefs in the world, would be based on the faith of the sun god Horus. Remarkably, all these beliefs show, sometimes at least, similarities to the cult of Horus.