Juan Mujica Death
Juan passed away on February 11, 2016 at the age of 72 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Juan Mujica death quick facts:
When did Juan Mujica die?
February 11, 2016How old was Juan Mujica when died?
72Where did Juan Mujica die? What was the location of death?
Montevideo, Uruguay
Juan Mujica Birthday and Date of Death
Juan Mujica was born on December 22, 1943 and died on February 11, 2016. Juan was 72 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 22, 1943
Date of Death: February 11, 2016
Age at Death: 72
Juan Mujica - Biography
Juan Martín Mujica Ferreira (born December 22, 1943) is a former Uruguayan football player and manager, who represented his country at the 1970 FIFA World Cup.