Julian Lennon


Is Julian Lennon Dead or Still Alive? Julian Lennon Birthday and Age

Julian Lennon

How Old Is Julian Lennon? Julian Lennon Birthday

Julian Lennon was born on April 8, 1963 and is 61 years old now.

Birthday: April 8, 1963
How Old - Age: 61

Julian Lennon Death Fact Check

Julian is alive and kicking and is currently 61 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Julian Lennon's father, John Lennon, dead or alive?

Julian Lennon's father, John Lennon, died on December 8, 1980 as he was 40 years old. His cause of death was murdered by gunshot.

Is Julian Lennon's mother, Cyntia Powell, dead or alive?

Cyntia Powell's information is not available now.

Julian Lennon's sister :

  • Kyoko

Julian Lennon's brother :

  • Julian Lennon's brother, Sean Lennon, is still alive and kicking at the age of 49. He is American and has had a career as a musician.

Julian Lennon - Biography

John Charles Julian Lennon is a British musician and photographer. He is the first child of John Lennon to his first wife Cynthia. The Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein, was his godfather. He has a younger half-brother, Sean Lennon. Lennon was named after his paternal grandmother, Julia Lennon.