Kenneth Mars


Is Kenneth Mars Dead or Still Alive? Kenneth Mars Birthday and Date of Death

Kenneth Mars

Kenneth Mars Death

Kenneth passed away on February 12, 2011 at the age of 74 in Granada Hills, California, USA. Kenneth's cause of death was pancreatic cancer.

Kenneth Mars death quick facts:
  • When did Kenneth Mars die?

    February 12, 2011
  • How did Kenneth Mars die? What was the cause of death?

    Pancreatic cancer
  • How old was Kenneth Mars when died?

  • Where did Kenneth Mars die? What was the location of death?

    Granada Hills, California, USA

Kenneth Mars Birthday and Date of Death

Kenneth Mars was born on April 14, 1936 and died on February 12, 2011. Kenneth was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 14, 1936
Date of Death: February 12, 2011
Age at Death: 74

Kenneth Mars - Biography

Kenneth Mars (April 4, 1935 – February 12, 2011) was an American television, film and voice actor, who specialized in comedic roles. He may be best-remembered, albeit not by name, for his roles in two Mel Brooks films: as the insane Nazi playwright Franz Liebkind in The Producers (1968) and as the relentless Police Inspector Hans Wilhelm Fredrich Kemp in Young Frankenstein (1974).