Lalla Latifa Hammou


Is Lalla Latifa Hammou Dead or Still Alive? Lalla Latifa Hammou Birthday and Age

Lalla Latifa Hammou

How Old Is Lalla Latifa Hammou? Lalla Latifa Hammou Birthday

Lalla Latifa Hammou was born in 1945 and is 79 years old now.

Birthday: 1945
How Old - Age: 79

Lalla Latifa Hammou Death Fact Check

Lalla is alive and kicking and is currently 79 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lalla Latifa Hammou - Biography

Lalla Latifa Hammou (born 1945 or 1946) is the widow of king Hassan II and the mother of Princess Lalla Meryem, King Mohammed VI, Princess Lalla Asma, Princess Lalla Hasna and Prince Moulay Rachid.
Born Fatima Amahzoune, but called Latifa (to avoid confusion with her cousin, the king's first wife, the former Lalla Fatima bint Qaid Ould Hassan Amhourak), Lalla Latifa is the daughter of a senior Berber notable of the Zayane tribe, related to Mouha ou Hammou Zayani, and niece of the Qaid Ould Hassan Amhourak. She married Hassan II in 1961.

She is referred to using terms such as "mother of the royal children". The privacy accorded to her in Morocco is so great that attempts to publish photos of her in the Moroccan newspaper Al Ayam were found to violate Moroccan law (in accord with a 1956 decree prohibiting publication of photos of the king and his family without authorization).