Larry Roberts


Is Larry Roberts Dead or Still Alive? Larry Roberts Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Roberts

Larry Roberts Death

Larry passed away on July 17, 1992 at the age of 65.

Larry Roberts death quick facts:
  • When did Larry Roberts die?

    July 17, 1992
  • How old was Larry Roberts when died?


Larry Roberts Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Roberts was born on September 28, 1926 and died on July 17, 1992. Larry was 65 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 28, 1926
Date of Death: July 17, 1992
Age at Death: 65

Larry Roberts - Biography

Larry Roberts (September 28, 1926 - July 17, 1992) was an American voice actor and comedian who was most active in the 1950s. Although he was well known for his roles in the 1950s TV series Lights, Camera, Action!, Roberts is probably best known for his role of playing the voice of Tramp in the 1955 movie Lady and the Tramp. Roberts was little known for other roles, although he did play some minor uncredited roles in Bandstand Revue and Ace High-Hits. Roberts, though inactive in his later years, would continue to play movie roles until his later years. He died of AIDS in 1992 at the age of 65.