Laura Hippe


Is Laura Hippe Dead or Still Alive? Laura Hippe Birthday and Date of Death

Laura Hippe

Laura Hippe Death

Laura passed away on February 21, 1986 at the age of 35 in Hollywood, California, USA. Laura's cause of death was suicide.

Laura Hippe death quick facts:
  • When did Laura Hippe die?

    February 21, 1986
  • How did Laura Hippe die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Laura Hippe when died?

  • Where did Laura Hippe die? What was the location of death?

    Hollywood, California, USA

Laura Hippe Birthday and Date of Death

Laura Hippe was born on September 22, 1950 and died on February 21, 1986. Laura was 35 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 22, 1950
Date of Death: February 21, 1986
Age at Death: 35

Laura Hippe - Biography

Laura Hippe was born on September 22, 1950. Slim, lovely and appealing brunette actress Laura Lorene Hippe was born on September 22, 1950, in Oklahoma.
She was especially charming and memorable as the sweet Jenny in the entertainingly trashy drive-in exploitation romp The Swinging Barmaids (1975). She had small parts in the mainstream studio pictures Stay Hungry (1976) and Logan's Run (1976). She made guest appearances on such series as Cannon (1971), Barnaby Jones (1973) and Baretta (1975). Her final film role was a minor part as the overbearing Aunt Cora Nomed in the schlocky low-budget horror outing Mausoleum (1983).

Laura was also a member of a local California Scientology cult, as well as a drama teacher who taught acting classes in Hollywood in the mid-'80s. Hippe committed suicide at the tragically young age of 35 on February 21, 1986.