Leon McAffrey


Is Leon McAffrey Dead or Still Alive? Leon McAffrey Birthday and Date of Death

Leon McAffrey

Leon McAffrey Death

Leon passed away in 2001 at the age of 45.

Leon McAffrey death quick facts:
  • When did Leon McAffrey die?

  • How old was Leon McAffrey when died?


Leon McAffrey Birthday and Date of Death

Leon McAffrey was born in 1956 and died in 2001. Leon was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1956
Date of Death: 2001
Age at Death: 45

Leon McAffrey - Biography

Early LifeLeon McAffrey was born on 1956 and raised in Liberty City who, at some point, joined the Liberty City Police Department, later becoming a corrupt officer and making contact with Salvatore Leone, the Don of the Leone Family, eventually going on Salvatore's payroll.1998In 1998 he is introduced to and employs Toni Cipriani to kill the Sindacco Family members, lure the Forelli Family into an ambush with the Uptown Yardies, fight organized crime in Belleville Park, help the Uptown Yardies hold on to Newport and destroy Forelli weapons being transferred to a new location.Following the arrest of Salvatore Leone, Leon phones Toni to say that the two never met, cutting ties with the Leone Family.2001McAffrey continues to work with the LCPD and with his new partner, Ray Machowski, a law abiding police officer who eventually also becomes a corrupt officer. His crimes and links with organized crime become evident to the LCPD and he agrees to turn states evidence against Machowski, now working for the Yakuza. When he learns of this, Machowski sends Claude to kill him, but McAffrey survives and is taken to the hospital. When Ray learns that Leon survived, he instructs Claude yet again to kill him, this time succeeding.