Linda Carty


Is Linda Carty Dead or Still Alive? Linda Carty Birthday and Age

Linda Carty

How Old Is Linda Carty? Linda Carty Birthday

Linda Carty was born on October 5, 1958 and is 66 years old now.

Birthday: October 5, 1958
How Old - Age: 66

Linda Carty Death Fact Check

Linda is alive and kicking and is currently 66 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Linda Carty - Biography

Linda Anita Carty (born 5 October 1958) is a woman possessing both United States and British citizenship on death row in Texas. She was convicted and sentenced to death in February 2002 for the abduction and murder of 25-year-old Joana Rodriguez, in order to steal her new born son. Carty claims she was framed by drug dealers in response to her work as an informant and has appealed her conviction. Her appeals have been unsuccessful to date, but she launched a fresh appeal in 2015. Barring the granting of clemency, she stands to become the first female British national to be executed since Ruth Ellis in 1955, and the first British black woman executed in more than a century.