Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou


Is Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou Dead or Still Alive? Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou Birthday and Age

Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou

How Old Is Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou? Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou Birthday

Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou was born on June 4, 1994 and is 30 years old now.

Birthday: June 4, 1994
How Old - Age: 30

Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou Death Fact Check

Luc is alive and kicking and is currently 30 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou - Biography

Luc Tselan Tsiene Etou (born June 4, 1992), also known as "Junior" Etou is a basketball player who was born in Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo and is currently a Sophomore at Rutgers University. He competed with the Republic of the Congo national basketball team at the 2009 African Championship, where he averaged 1.7 blocks per game, ranking second in the competition despite being the second youngest player at the tournament. From 2012–2013 Etou played for Bishop Denis J. O'Connell High School, although according to Deadspin, his age made him ineligible. A cousin of Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, Etou ranked as's No. 142 national recruit in the Class of 2013 and No. 31 on ESPN's Top Recruits for Power Forwards in 2013. He held offers from Clemson, Kansas, Maryland, Miami (Fla.), Rutgers, Washington, West Virginia, and Xavier. He was signed by Rutgers University on May 1, 2013.