Malcolm Muggeridge


Is Malcolm Muggeridge Dead or Still Alive? Malcolm Muggeridge Birthday and Date of Death

Malcolm Muggeridge

Malcolm Muggeridge Death

Malcolm passed away on November 14, 1990 at the age of 87 in Robertsbridge, East Sussex, England, UK.

Malcolm Muggeridge death quick facts:
  • When did Malcolm Muggeridge die?

    November 14, 1990
  • How old was Malcolm Muggeridge when died?

  • Where did Malcolm Muggeridge die? What was the location of death?

    Robertsbridge, East Sussex, England, UK

Malcolm Muggeridge Birthday and Date of Death

Malcolm Muggeridge was born on March 24, 1903 and died on November 14, 1990. Malcolm was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 24, 1903
Date of Death: November 14, 1990
Age at Death: 87

Is Malcolm Muggeridge's father, Henry Thomas Benjamin, dead or alive?

Henry Thomas Benjamin's information is not available now.

Is Malcolm Muggeridge's mother, Annie Booler, dead or alive?

Annie Booler's information is not available now.

Malcolm Muggeridge - Biography

Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge, known as Malcolm Muggeridge, was a British journalist, author, media personality, and satirist. During World War II, he worked for the British government as a soldier and a spy. As a young man, Muggeridge was a left-wing sympathiser but he later became a forceful anti-communist. He is credited with bringing Mother Teresa to popular attention in the West and stimulating debate about Catholic theology. In his later years he became a religious and moral campaigner.