Marc Davis


Is Marc Davis Dead or Still Alive? Marc Davis Birthday and Date of Death

Marc Davis

Marc Davis Death

Marc passed away on January 12, 2000 at the age of 86.

Marc Davis death quick facts:
  • When did Marc Davis die?

    January 12, 2000
  • How old was Marc Davis when died?


Marc Davis Birthday and Date of Death

Marc Davis was born on March 30, 1913 and died on January 12, 2000. Marc was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 30, 1913
Date of Death: January 12, 2000
Age at Death: 86

Marc Davis - Biography

Marc Fraser Davis (March 30, 1913 – January 12, 2000) was a prominent American artist and animator for Walt Disney Studios. He was one of Disney's Nine Old Men, the famed core animators of Disney animated films, and was revered for his knowledge and understanding of visual aesthetics.