Marie Jeanne of Savoy Death
Marie passed away on March 15, 1724 at the age of 79.
When did Marie Jeanne of Savoy die?
March 15, 1724How old was Marie Jeanne of Savoy when died?
Marie Jeanne of Savoy Birthday and Date of Death
Marie Jeanne of Savoy was born on April 11, 1644 and died on March 15, 1724. Marie was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 11, 1644
Date of Death: March 15, 1724
Age at Death: 79
Is Marie Jeanne of Savoy's father, Charles Amadeus, dead or alive?
Charles Amadeus's information is not available now.
Is Marie Jeanne of Savoy's mother, élisabeth de Bourbon, dead or alive?
élisabeth de Bourbon's information is not available now.
Marie Jeanne of Savoy - Biography
Marie Jeanne of Savoy was born a Princess of Savoy and was later the Duchess of Savoy. Married by proxy to Charles of Lorraine in 1662, Lorraine soon refused to recognise the union. Despite this, she married Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy in 1665 who was her second cousin once removed. The mother of the future Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia who saw the elevation of the House of Savoy to kings, she styled herself as Madama Reale or Madame Royale and acted as Regent of Savoy from 1675 in the name of her son Victor Amadeus II who was his successor. Her regency officially ended in 1680 but she maintained power for four years until her son banished her from further influence in the state. She left a considerable architectural legacy in Turin and was responsible for the remodelling of the Palazzo Madama which was her private residence. At the time of her death she was the mother of the King of Sardinia as well as great grandmother of the King of Spain and King of France.