Marie of Anjou Death
Marie passed away on November 29, 1463 at the age of 59.
Marie of Anjou death quick facts:
When did Marie of Anjou die?
November 29, 1463How old was Marie of Anjou when died?
Marie of Anjou Birthday and Date of Death
Marie of Anjou was born on October 14, 1404 and died on November 29, 1463. Marie was 59 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 14, 1404
Date of Death: November 29, 1463
Age at Death: 59
Is Marie of Anjou's father, Louis II of Naples, dead or alive?
Louis II of Naples's information is not available now.
Is Marie of Anjou's mother, Yolande of Aragon, dead or alive?
Yolande of Aragon's information is not available now.
Marie of Anjou - Biography
Marie of Anjou was the Queen consort of King Charles VII of France from 1422 to 1461.