Mary Millington


Is Mary Millington Dead or Still Alive? Mary Millington Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Millington

Mary Millington Death

Mary passed away on August 19, 1979 at the age of 33 in Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey, England. Mary's cause of death was barbiturate overdose (suicide by a mix of anafranil, paracetamol and alcohol).

Mary Millington death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Millington die?

    August 19, 1979
  • How did Mary Millington die? What was the cause of death?

    Barbiturate overdose (suicide by a mix of anafranil, paracetamol and alcohol)
  • How old was Mary Millington when died?

  • Where did Mary Millington die? What was the location of death?

    Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey, England

Mary Millington Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Millington was born on November 30, 1945 and died on August 19, 1979. Mary was 33 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 30, 1945
Date of Death: August 19, 1979
Age at Death: 33

Mary Millington - Biography

Mary Millington (30 November 1945 – 19 August 1979) was an English model and pornographic actress. Her appearance in the short softcore film Sex is My Business led to her meeting with magazine publisher David Sullivan, who promoted her widely as a model, and featured her in the softcore comedy Come Play With Me, which ran for a record-breaking four years at the same cinema. But she soon found herself being replaced by younger models, and this led to a downward spiral of drug addiction, shoplifting and debt.
Millington had always been prone to neurosis and depression, which was exacerbated by her cocaine habit. Her mother's death in 1976 also affected her deeply, and her behaviour became unpredictable, which led to her breaking up with Sullivan. Her life had begun a downward spiral into drug use and depression following the raids on her shop. A few months prior to her death, she had received a large tax bill which she was unable to pay. Her kleptomania became more pronounced in the last year of her life, with arrests for shoplifting in June 1979, and again for stealing a necklace the day before her death.

Millington committed suicide at age 33, by an overdose of tricyclic antidepressant anafranil, paracetamol and alcohol at her home in Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey. Her husband found her dead in her bed on 19 August 1979. She left four suicide notes which were found near her body. In one of them she had written, "The police have framed me yet again. They frighten me so much. I can't face the thought of prison... The Nazi tax man has finished me as well." In another note, to her solicitor Michael Kaye (partly published in Private magazine no 59), Millington wrote "the police have killed me with their threats…the police have made my life a misery with frame ups. The tax man has hounded me so much- I will be made bankrupt, he mustn't get anything of his £200,000 demands. He is a religious maniac." In another note, to David Sullivan, she wrote: "please print in your magazines how much I want porn to be legalised, but the police have beaten me".